The Comment Rights’ Influence of University WeChat Public Platform’s Communication Capability—Take ECNU as a Case
摘要: 本文提出了一个微信传播力评价的基于灰色关联度的方法,应用于华东师范大学(ECNU)微信订阅号的传播力评价分析。结果表明:留言权——留言点赞/阅读量与微信传播指数(WCI)呈正相关性,且增加了WCI聚类的辨识度。加强留言的筛选与回应是提高订阅号黏度和传播力的重要举措。
Abstract: In this paper, grey correlation degree analysis has been put forward to evaluate the communica-tional capability of WeChat Public Platform. Take ECNU as an example, the outcome turns out that the comment rights of WeChat Public Platform is positively associated with WCI (WeChat Communication Index). And at the same time, the comment rights could enlarge the recognizability of WCI. Besides, it is also confirmed that correct filtering and responding are two of the important measures to improve the stickiness and communicational capability of WeChat Public Platform.
文章引用:李静姝. 高校官网微信“留言权”对其传播力的影响—以华东师范大学为例[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2016, 4(3): 19-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JC.2016.43003


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