New Parameters Into The Necessity Of Material Properties
摘要: 弹性模量是一种脱离客观规律的力学参数,它承担了应力-应变理论中的所有不科学性问题,所以,它没有多大应用价值。虚度、实度及其变化率新参数包含多重统一规律和对立统一规律,适用范围广,可以直接用于科学预测研究。新参数的科学地为与作用的科学地为同等重要,是研究问题、解决问题不可缺少的重要物理量。因此,引入这些新参数有着极其重要的科学与应用价值,极其必要。
Abstract: Elastic modulus is a kind of from the objective laws of mechanics parameters, it took all the not scientific problems in the theory of stress and strain, so it's not much application value. Waste, compaction degree and its rate of change law of the unity of new parameter contains multiple and the law of the unity of opposites, the applicable scope is wide, can be directly used in the study of scientific prediction. New parameters for scientifically and function scientifically as equally important, is to study and solve problems indispensable important physical quantities. Therefore, the introduction of these new parameters has important scientific and application value, is extremely necessary.
文章引用:王昌益. 材料性质新参数引入的必要性[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2017, 2(1): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2017.21004


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