Exploring Intervention Mechanism of Psychological Crisis for College Students
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.62019, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,878  浏览: 6,358  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨宪华:商洛学院人文社会科学学院,陕西 商洛
关键词: 心理危机干预机制大学生Psychological Crisis Intervention Mechanism College Students
摘要: 干预机制是大学生心理危机领域一项迫切而又十分重要的课题。本研究在纵向四级干预网络基础上,从横向上将心理危机干预机制分为五级:一级预防–维护机制、二级筛查–预警机制、三级治疗–监控机制、四级转介–跟踪机制、五级应对–处置机制。干预机制的有效实施包括三个关键步骤:评估对象状态,弄清严重程度;选择干预机制,确定干预目标;确定干预人员,选择方法措施。干预机制的科学构建是开展心理健康教育的基础,干预机制的有效实施是做好心理健康教育的关键。
Abstract: Intervention mechanism is one of most urgent and important items in domain of psychological crisis. This study classifies intervention mechanism into five grades: prevent-maintenance me-chanism, test-warning mechanism, treatment-monitor mechanism, referral-following mechanism and coping-dealing mechanism. The effective implementation of these mechanisms includes three key steps: assessing crisis states and understanding its degree; choosing specific mechanism and determining the goals; determining intervenor and choosing related measures. The scientific construction of intervention mechanism is the basis to develop mental health education, and the effective implementation of these mechanisms is the key to doing college students’ mental health education well.
文章引用:杨宪华. 大学生心理危机五级干预机制探索[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(2): 146-150. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.62019


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