Study on Cultivating Modes and Developing Dynamic of Professional Degree for Graduates in France and Its Revelation
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.51011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,482  浏览: 2,980  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘亚敏:武汉大学教育科学研究院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 法国专业学位培养模式改革动向France Professional Degree Cultivation Mode Reform Trend
摘要: 法国专业学位研究生教育具有鲜明的“双轨制”特点,大学校和大学两种专业学位研究生培养模式并存,在培养目标、入学方式、课程教学、导师指导、专业实践、毕业及学位授予等方面,二者既有差异,也有共性。近年来,法国深入推进专业学位研究生培养模式改革,“双轨制”渐趋融合,校际联合培养、校企合作培养和国际化培养取得了重要进展。由此反思我国专业学位研究生培养模式改革,其抓手是建设高校与行业的融合机制,完善师资队伍,并在此基础上加快革新课程教学的内容与方式;其关键是夯实制度基础、关系基础和资源基础。
Abstract: The professional degree education in France has the characteristic of dual-track system which is the coexistence of professional degrees for graduates from both Grande Ecoles and universities. The two types of professional degrees for graduates are differences and commonness in terms of cultivating objectives, student-recruiting ways, curriculum and instruction, guidance of tutors, professional practice, and degree rewarded, etc. The reform of cultivating modes for professional degree graduates in recent years has highlighted on merging gradually the dual-track, intercollegiate joint training, cultivating talent in university by cooperating with enterprise, and international training. To learn from France, the reform of professional degree education in China should build integration system between universities and industries, improve faculty forces, and innovate the curriculum structure and teaching model. In addition, the key foundations to push the reform forward involve institutional perfection, good relations between inside and outside, and rich resources from all directions.
文章引用:刘亚敏. 法国专业学位研究生培养模、发展动态及启示[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(1): 66-73. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.51011


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