Retardation of a sudden disturbance due to nuclear energy source on the solar rotation on the main sequence
摘要: 文中研究了太阳内部能量(核能)突然改变使半径增大后对自转角速减速的影响。根据太阳内部能源骚动模型和角动量守恒原理计算了在内部能量骚动时的弛豫时间5x105年内在5个演化阶段质量损失,半径改变及自转角速减慢的数值。计算的数值结果在表1中给出。最后讨论了给出的结果。
Abstract: Retardation of expanding or contracting solar model due to a sudden increase in the rate of nuclear energy generation on the solar angular velocity is studied. According to the increase of solar radius due to the disturbance of energy generation and the principle of angular momentum conversation, mass loss, changes of radius and the angular velocity in the five evolutionary stages in the time of relaxation 5 105 are calculated. The calculated results are listed in the Table. The results obtained are discussed.
文章引用:李林森. 太阳在主序阶段内部核能骚动引起的膨胀或收缩对自转减速的影响[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2017, 2(1): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2017.21005


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