Discussion of the Cultural Consciousness during the Education of Chinese National Culture
摘要: 国学教育必须重建中华精神信仰体系,传承中华核心价值观,发扬经世致用思想传统,致力于中华民族的伟大复兴,这是“文化自觉”精神的本质体现;同时,在全球化背景下,我们还应秉持中华国学的王道精神,致力于建设和谐世界,这是“文化自觉”精神的最高境界。
Abstract: During the education of Chinese national culture, we must rebuild the system of Chinese spiritual belief, carry on core Chinese values, develop the tradition of administration and pragmatism, and work for the great rejuvenation of Chinese. It reflects essentially the spirit of cultural consciousness. And at the same time, we must devote ourselves to the construction of harmonious world. It is the highest mental outlook of cultural consciousness.
文章引用:李英华. 论国学教育中的文化自觉问题[J]. 国学, 2017, 5(1): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2017.51001


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