Social Learning of Fear
摘要: 在以往条件恐惧的研究中强调了杏仁核的关键作用。然而条件恐惧(直接经历了厌恶事件),只是众多恐惧情绪习得方式的一种。利用他人的经验习得恐惧情绪,即社会学习恐惧,不同于直接恐惧的直接厌恶体验,其是更为安全的普遍的恐惧习得方式。目前行为研究和脑成像研究都不同程度的关注了社会学习恐惧。我们认为条件恐惧的杏仁核中心模型,也可解释一部分社会学习恐惧(观察学习和言语指导恐惧)。另外,我们还补充了一部分社会学习恐惧与条件恐惧的差异性,例如其他神经系统的参与。该研究为了解社会学习恐惧奠定了基础。
Abstract: The key role of amygdala was emphasized in the study of conditioned fears. However, the condi-tioned fear (directly disgusting experience) is only one of the ways of fear acquisition. Using the experience of others to acquire fear, that is referred to social learning fear, which is more secure. Current behavioral studies and brain imaging studies are concerned with the social learning fear in different degrees. We believe that the fear of the amygdala central model can also explain some of the social learning fears (observation of learning and verbal guidance of fear). In addition, we also add part of the difference between social learning fear and conditioned fear, such as the participation of other nervous systems. The study laid the foundation for further research of social learning fear.
文章引用:邓中艳 (2017). 恐惧的社会学习. 心理学进展, 7(4), 463-468. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.74057


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