Investigation and Analysis to Solve the Difficult Financing Problem for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Based on P2P Platform
DOI: 10.12677/FIN.2017.72011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,074  浏览: 3,822 
作者: 蔡金雯*, 任 奇, 黄 丹:中华女子学院,北京市,中国
关键词: 中小企业P2P平台Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise P2P Platform
摘要: 文献[1]表明中小型企业对国民经济发展的推动作用不可忽视,但在融资方面一直受阻,P2P平台的出现为中小型企业融资提供了便利的渠道。近几年P2P网贷平台发展迅速,但由于缺乏完善的监管系统和相关政策法律,P2P平台的发展方向呈现难控现象。我们应当通过规范市场准入条件、经营业务监管、资金安全的监管、加强信息披露等措施,促进P2P健康发展,进一步缓解中小企业融资难的问题。
Abstract: Small and medium enterprises on how to give an impetus to the development of national economy cannot be ignored, but in terms of financing has been blocked, the emergence of P2P platform provides a convenient channel for small and medium-sized enterprise financing. P2P network credit platform has developed rapidly in recent years, but because of the lack of perfect regulation system and related policy and law, the development direction of P2P platform is difficult to control. We should standardize the market access, business regulation, capital safety regulation and strengthen information disclosure, promoting the healthy development of the P2P to further ease the small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult question.
文章引用:蔡金雯, 任奇, 黄丹. 基于P2P平台解决中小企业融资难问题调查分析[J]. 金融, 2017, 7(2): 93-97. https://doi.org/10.12677/FIN.2017.72011


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