Study on Corrosion of Water Heater Heat Tube under Loading State
DOI: 10.12677/JAPC.2017.62012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,416  浏览: 2,370 
作者: 曲绍鹤*, 申勇兵:广东美的厨卫电器制造有限公司,广东 佛山;孟亚飞:中国海洋大学化学化工学院,山东 青岛
关键词: 加热管310S载荷态极化电阻Heating Tube 310S Loading State Polarization Resistance
摘要: 用电化学线性极化电阻法研究了在载荷工况下,不同电力密度、氯离子浓度、碳酸氢根浓度、电导率对加热管310S不锈钢的腐蚀性能影响。从实验结果来看,水质对腐蚀的影响主要体现在加热和保温阶段。研究结果表明影响加热管使用寿命的环境影响因子由强到弱的排序为Cl > HCO3(结垢因子) > 电力密度,电导率对加热管腐蚀影响轻微。
Abstract: The electrochemical linear polarization resistance method was used to study the effects of different power density, chloride ion concentration, bicarbonate concentration and conductivity on the corrosion performance of heating tube 310S stainless steel under loading state. From the experimental results, the impact of water quality on corrosion is mainly reflected in the heating and insulation stage. The results show that the order of environmental impact factors affecting the service life of heating tube is as follows: Cl > HCO3(scale factor) > power density (strong to weak), Conductivity has a slight effect on corrosion of the heating tube.
文章引用:曲绍鹤, 申勇兵, 孟亚飞, 徐海波, 芦永红. 热水器加热管载荷下腐蚀研究[J]. 物理化学进展, 2017, 6(2): 97-104. https://doi.org/10.12677/JAPC.2017.62012


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