The Mediation Role of Passive SNS Use between Social Comparison Orientation and Envy
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.75085, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,124  浏览: 13,270 
作者: 杨婷婷:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 社交网站被动使用社会比较倾向嫉妒Passive of Social Network Use Social Comparison Orientation Envy
摘要: 社交网站已经成为生活中不可缺少的一部分,越来越多的研究开始考虑社交网站与人们心理健康的关系。以往的研究者已经得出被动使用社交网站会带来一系列不好的影响,比如,降低生活幸福感、降低自我认知、降低自尊、滋生嫉妒等等。本文主要从社交网站被动使用与嫉妒的关系着手,了解社交网站被动性使用和嫉妒的关系。另外,社交网站中充斥着大量的比较信息,社会比较倾向高的个体对这些信息更敏感更容易与他人比较,因此,将社会比较倾向也纳入研究模型。结果发现,社会比较倾向与嫉妒呈正相关,并且社交网站被动使用在这之间起到部分中介作用。
Abstract: In recent years, the relationship between social networking sits and wellbeing has aroused both the public and researcher’s attention. Previous studies suggested that Passive of social network use would dampen the life satisfaction, reduce the self-perception, weaken the self-esteem, and lead to envy. Our research focuses on the envy, and we wonder that the relationship between Passive of social network use and envy. In addition, SCO is particularly important in the social media context because SNSs provide rich opportunities for social comparison, which can influence one’s psychological well-being. Specifically, people with higher Social comparison orientation are more likely to compare with others, so, we conclude the Social comparison orientation in our model. And finally we find that the relationship between Social comparison orientation and envy is partly mediated by Passive of social network use.
文章引用:杨婷婷 (2017). 社交网站被动使用在社会比较倾向和嫉妒之间的中介作用. 心理学进展, 7(5), 691-697. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.75085


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