The Application of Pragmatics and Interpretive Theory of Translation in Literary Translation—A Case Study of Continuer in the Novel of Laurent Mauvignier
摘要: 在文学翻译中,译者需要运用语用学知识对源语言在文本语境中的意义进行解读,进而理解文本的言外之意;同时要按照释意理论的方法(比如提喻),用目标语对源文本的意义进行阐述和表达,如此,译文才能传达出原文的字面意义和深层含义。本文以法国作家罗朗•莫维尼埃的小说《继续》部分章节的翻译实践为例,说明语用学和释意派理论在文学作品翻译中的应用,并反观文学翻译中译者主体性的重要性。
Abstract: In literary translation, translator is required to apply pragmatics to interpret the meaning of source language in context, and then to analyze the underlying ideas of the text. At the same time, the interpretive theory shall be used to express the meaning of the original text in target language. Only in this way can a translation convey the literal and deep meaning of the text. Based on the translation practice of the novel Continuer written by a French writer Laurent Mauvignier, this paper aims at illustrating the application of pragmatics and interpretive theory in the translation activity of literary works and reflecting upon the importance of translator's subjectivity in literary translation.
文章引用:朱丹. 语用学与释意理论在文学翻译中的应用—以罗朗·莫维尼埃的小说《继续》翻译实践为例[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(2): 192-196. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.52026


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