Comparison and Enlightenment of Bribery Crime between China and Japan
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2017.53009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,749  浏览: 3,919 
作者: 刘亚娜, 徐文波:东北师范大学政法学院,吉林 长春
关键词: 受贿罪犯罪主体贿赂职务Bribery Crime Subject of Crime Bribery Function
摘要: 同日本刑法相比, 中国刑法受贿罪的立法相对稳定。从现行刑法的规定看,无论是罪名数量还是相关内容的完备程度,中国刑法关于受贿罪的规定都稍显粗略。中国刑法关于受贿罪的行为只规定“受贿”一种类型, 对贿赂的范围、受贿的主体、受贿的行为方式、受贿主体任职时间、对法益的侵害程度等均缺乏有待精细的规定,不利于对相关行为的刑法规制。日本刑法设置了单纯受贿罪、加重受贿罪、受托受贿罪等复合式罪名,贿赂范围包括无形物,受贿方式包括收受、要求或者相约,行为人就将来的职务所实施的受贿行为亦可构罪,受贿罪的法定最高刑为7年惩役,对我国刑法的进一步完善具有一定的借鉴意义。
Abstract: Compared with the Japanese criminal law, China’s criminal bribery legislation is relatively stable. Looking from the provisions of the criminal law, crime number and the complement of the related content, the provisions of the criminal law on bribery in China are a bit rough. To China’s regulations on the behavior of the criminal law on bribery, only “bribery” type, to the main body of the scope of bribery, subject of bribery, bribery behavior, bribery subject serving time, degree of violation of the quilt, is all the provisions of the lack of to be fine, going against the relevant behavior of the criminal law. The Japanese criminal law has set a simple bribery, bribery and bribery, such as aggravated entrust, composite charges, and the scope of bribery includes intangible objects, and the way of bribery includes accepting bribes, or meeting the demand, and the future implementation of the criminal bribery crime, bribery position can also be constructed to punish the maximum statutory penalty of 7 years of service, having certain reference significance to further improve China criminal law.
文章引用:刘亚娜, 徐文波. 中日刑法受贿罪比较及启示[J]. 法学, 2017, 5(3): 67-74. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2017.53009


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