The Incubation Techniques of Trionyx sinensis
DOI: 10.12677/OJFR.2017.42007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,401  浏览: 2,700 
作者: 王 佩, 罗志嘉, 王晓清:湖南农业大学动物科学技术学院,湖南 长沙;水产高效健康生产湖南省协同创新中心,湖南 常德
关键词: 中华鳖孵化技术孵化条件Trionyx sinensis Hatching Techniques Incubation Conditions
摘要: 人工繁殖技术是中华鳖养殖过程中最重要的环节,主要包括亲鳖的选择、培育和人工孵化等步骤,人工孵化是该过程中的关键环节,适宜的孵化设施以及孵化条件、科学的管理在很大程度上提高孵化率,孵化后幼鳖的暂养条件会影响幼鳖的成活率。本文对中华鳖人工孵化相关环节进行概述,以期为中华鳖人工孵化提供技术性指导。
Abstract: Artificial breeding technique is the most important segment in culture process of Trionyx sinensis, which includes the choose and breed of pro-turtle and artificial incubation. Artificial incubation is the key point in this process, and appropriate facilities, conditions of hatch, and science management can improve hatchability largely and the condition of temporary culture for juvenile turtle also can influence the survival rate. This paper summarized relevant links of artificial incubation to provide technical guidance for the artificial incubation of soft-shelled turtle.
文章引用:王佩, 罗志嘉, 王晓清. 中华鳖受精卵孵化技术[J]. 水产研究, 2017, 4(2): 44-48. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJFR.2017.42007


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