The Effects of Different Dosage of Biological Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Maize
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2017.73027, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,264  浏览: 2,396  科研立项经费支持
作者: 黎明云, 施 娴*, 石明杰, 杨亚荣, 岳 淘, 周卫红, 何文祥, 金志雄, 毛杨志:红河学院生命科学与技术学院,云南 蒙自
关键词: 生物菌肥玉米产量生长发育期Biological Fertilizer Maize Yield Growth Period
摘要: 本文采取模拟盆栽试验的方法,研究不同施用量生物菌肥对玉米不同生育期生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明:施用生物菌肥不仅能够促进玉米的生长发育,也能提高玉米的产量。不同施用量菌肥对玉米拔节期和开花期的叶宽、叶长和株高具有显著的促进作用,其中22.5 g/盆的菌肥施用量对玉米拔节期的叶宽、叶长、株高和开花期的叶宽、叶长的促进作用最显著,较CK分别显著增长了38.1%、22.7%、28.7%、24.7%和9.24%,7.5 g/盆的菌肥施用量对玉米开花期株高和玉米成熟期的秸秆重量的促进作用最好,较CK分别显著增长了15.5%和34.8%。菌肥的施用能够增加玉米的产量,其中22.5 g/盆的菌肥施用量对玉米的穗重和出籽率的促进作用最好,较CK分别增长了208.2%和45.5%;15 g/盆的菌肥施用量对玉米百粒重的促进作用最好,较CK增加了14.5%。玉米成熟期的秸秆重量与玉米各产量性状之间的相关性分析显示,穗重与秸秆重量呈极显著的正相关性,出籽率与穗重呈极显著的正相关性。
Abstract: The methods by simulating the pot experiment were used to analyze the effects on biological fertilizer application amount on the growth and yield of corn in different growth period. The results showed that the application of bio fertilizer can not only promote the growth of maize, but also can improve the yield of maize. Different application rate of fertilizer on Maize Jointing Stage and flowering stage of the leaf width, leaf length and plant height has a significant role in promoting the 22.5 g/basin fertilizer application rates on Maize Jointing Stage; the leaf width, leaf length, plant height and flowering period of the leaf width and length increased most significantly, compared with CK respectively significant growth of 38.1%, 22.7%, 28.7%, 24.7% and 9.24%; the fertilizer application amount of 7.5 g/basin on maize plant height and flowering stage of maize mature straw weight effect best, compared with CK were significantly increased by 15.5% and 34.8%. Fertilizer application could increase the yield of corn; the 22.5 g/basin fertilizer dosage on Maize spike weight and seed yield effect best, compared with CK were increased by 208.2% and 45.5%; 15 g/basin fertilizer application amount on 100 grain weight effect best, increased by 14.5% compared with CK. The best correlation analysis between corn maturity and yield of maize straw weight traits showed that panicle weight and stalk weight showed significantly positive correlation; the rate of seed weight showed a significantly positive correlation with spike.
文章引用:黎明云, 施娴, 石明杰, 杨亚荣, 岳淘, 周卫红, 何文祥, 金志雄, 毛杨志. 不同施用量生物菌肥对玉米生长发育及产量的影响[J]. 农业科学, 2017, 7(3): 209-215. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2017.73027


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