The Problem about the Educational Inequality under the View of Social Exclusion
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.66104, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,632  浏览: 2,728 
作者: 陈志伟:安徽大学社会与政治学院,安徽 合肥
关键词: 社会排斥教育不平等重点学校高考制度阶层流动Social Exclusion Educational Inequality Key School College Entrance Examination System Class Mobility
摘要: 近些年来,我国教育事业发展成就瞩目共睹,但教育不公平的现状却日益严峻,甚至在某些方面这种不公平正呈现着加剧趋势。本文通过梳理国外社会排斥理论,并运用吉登斯的“上层社会主动排斥和下层社会被动排斥”观点来分析教育体系,包括重点学校、高考制度和教育动力弱化等方面。教育失衡的实质是一种教育领域内的社会排斥现象,了解这种内在联系,有利于改善教育失衡现状和实现社会公平。
Abstract: In recent years, the development of education in our country has witnessed remarkable achievements, but the current situation of educational inequality has become increasingly serious, even in some aspects this inequality is showing an increasing trend. In recent years, the development of education in our country has witnessed remarkable achievements, but the current situation of unfair education has become increasingly serious, even in some aspects of this unfair is showing an increasing trend. This paper analyzes the educational system, including the key schools, the college entrance examination system, the weakening of educational motivation and so forth, by combing the theory of social exclusion in foreign countries and using Giddens’ positive exclusion of the upper social class and passive exclusion of the lower class. The essence of educational inequality is a kind of social exclusion in the field of education. And understanding this internal link will be conducive to change the status quo of education inequality and achieve the social equity.
文章引用:陈志伟. “社会排斥”视野下的教育不平等问题[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(6): 741-748. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.66104


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