Analysis on Scale and Structure of Medical Expenditure of Chinese Government
DOI: 10.12677/SA.2017.62020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,324  浏览: 6,392 
作者: 王梦颖:江西财经大学统计学院,江西 南昌
关键词: 政府卫生支出规模结构Government Medical Expenditure Scale Structure
摘要: 本文收集了我国30个省、市、自治区(西藏、台湾除外) 2005~2012年的政府卫生支出数据,从中不难看出虽然我国历年政府卫生投入不断增加,但是整体规模依旧偏小。同时对数据进一步分析发现,我国政府医疗卫生支出结构存在不合理现象,虽然近些年中部、西部地区政府卫生支出增长明显,但规模总量还是远远低于东部地区。
Abstract: This paper collects the data of 30 provinces’ government health expenditure in China from 2005 to 2012 (except Tibet). It is not difficult to see that although Chinese government investment in health has been increasing over the years, the overall scale is still small. At the same time, the further analysis of the data shows that there is unreasonable expenditure structure of government health expenditure in our country. Although the government expenditure on health in central and western areas has increased significantly in recent years, the total scale is still far lower than that in the eastern region.
文章引用:王梦颖. 我国政府医疗卫生支出规模与结构分析[J]. 统计学与应用, 2017, 6(2): 174-177. https://doi.org/10.12677/SA.2017.62020


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