Development Status and Prospect of Tangshan City
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2017.73017, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,273  浏览: 13,654 
作者: 王荷丽, 王喜彬, 余燕红:北京物资学院商学院,北京
关键词: 唐山市生产总值产业发展行业发展 Tangshan City GDP Industry Development Trade Development
摘要: 唐山市在河北省生产总值排名中连续五年位居全省第一,许多因素促就了近几年辉煌的成绩。主要从唐山市的发展优势、产业发展以及行业发展三个方面来阐述分析唐山市经济发展的原因,同时归纳出目前发展的不足以及今后改进的措施。唐山市为其他省市的发展做出了很好的表率,了解自身优势与不足可以为今后发展和其他省市的借鉴起到关键作用。
Abstract: Tangshan City in Hebei province’s GDP rankings for five consecutive years ranked first in the prov-ince, and many factors built made remarkable results. This paper, mainly from three aspects, ex-pounds the reasons for the economic development of Tangshan City, such as Tangshan City’s devel-opment advantages, industrial development and trade development, and then summarizes the cur-rent development problems and improvement measures in the future. Setting a good example for the development of Tangshan City and other provinces, to understand their own strengths and weaknesses can be a key role for the future development of other provinces and cities for reference.
文章引用:王荷丽, 王喜彬, 余燕红. 唐山市发展现状及前景分析[J]. 可持续发展, 2017, 7(3): 131-137. https://doi.org/10.12677/SD.2017.73017


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