Exploration and Practice of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model for PBL Education Quality of University Engineering Practice
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.74026, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,544  浏览: 4,029  科研立项经费支持
作者: 徐向阳*, 曹源文, 陈仁祥:重庆交通大学机电与车辆工程学院,重庆
关键词: 工程实践PBL教育质量模糊评判评价模式Engineering Practice PBL Education Quality Fuzzy Evaluation Evaluation Model
摘要: 高校PBL工程实践教育质量综合评价是转变工程教育质量观、建立可操作性评价模式、促进工科人才创新培养机制改革的现实要求。坚持以问题解决型学习为导向,从工程实践PBL教育质量的评价因素着手,运用模糊数学理论,构建出实践环境、输入内容、实践过程、输出结果、可改进性和可移植性六个方面的模糊评判模型,形成完整的工程实践PBL教育质量评价模式,实现对工程实践PBL教育中环境、输入、过程、成果四种类型的相互关联动态质量评价,并通过具体案例对工程实践PBL教育质量模糊综合评价模式进行应用探讨。
Abstract: The comprehensive PBL education quality evaluation of university engineering practice is a practical requirement to change the view of engineering education quality, establish the operational evaluation system and promote the reform of engineering innovative talents cultivation. Taking the problem-solving learning as the guidance, from evaluation factors of PBL education quality of engineering practice, and based on the fuzzy mathematics theory, we construct the fuzzy evaluation models of practice object, practice content, practice input, practice process, practice effects, accessibility improvement and portability, and form a PBL education quality dynamical evaluation system of practice background, input, process, and results of engineering practice. In addition, a specific PBL education quality evaluation case is discussed by using fuzzy evaluation method.
文章引用:徐向阳, 曹源文, 陈仁祥. 高校工程实践PBL教育质量模糊综合评价模式的探索与实践[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(4): 162-167. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2017.74026


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