倍数含量筛法与恒等式((a/b)×(b/a)=1 )的妙用
Sieve of Multiple Content and Subtle Effects of ((a/b)×(b/a)=1 )
摘要: 本文挖掘出倍数含量及等差项同数列的概念,根据倍数含量重叠规律及等差项同数列的性质,对自然数列中倍数出现规律作了深入的探讨。作为应用,我们证明了偶数哥德巴赫猜想与孪生素数猜想。
Abstract: We introduce the notions of multiple content and parallel arithmetic series. Based on the overlap law of multiple contents and properties of parallel arithmetic progressions, we discuss the appearance rule of multiples in the series of natural numbers. As applications, we prove the even number Goldbach’s conjecture and the twin prime conjecture.
文章引用:鲁思顺. 倍数含量筛法与恒等式((a/b)×(b/a)=1 )的妙用[J]. 理论数学, 2017, 7(4): 288-296. https://doi.org/10.12677/PM.2017.74038


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