The Mechanism of Depression in Adolescence Has a Higher Morbidity
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.77114, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,033  浏览: 3,706 
作者: 袁文颖:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 抑郁症青少年神经机制Depression Adolescence Neural Mechanism
摘要: 抑郁症是最为常见的心理疾病之一,并且长期中度或者重度抑郁症患者可能在严重时出现自杀行为。研究发现,青少年时期是抑郁症的高发期。本文通过对以往文献总结,从脑神经发育、生理机制、基因和环境四个方面探讨抑郁症在青少年时期高发的机制。本文推测,青少年早期易患抑郁症机制中最重要的原因是由于青少年时期大脑快速发育以及对其他因素的影响具有高度的敏感性。同时发现,这些影响因素之间联系密切,但目前尚未有研究讨论因素之前的联系和协同作用。未来应该综合考虑这些因素的影响,并应该对青少年抑郁症的防治进行更深入的探讨。
Abstract: Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses and long-term moderate or severe depression may occur in severe suicidal behavior. Recent investigations suggested that depression more likely emerge during adolescence. In this review, the mechanism of depression in adolescence has a higher morbidity which was explored from four aspects: brain development, physiological mechanism, gene and environment. We speculated that the most important mechanism of depression in adolescence which has a higher morbidity is the rapid development of the brain in adolescence. So that, they are sensitive to other factors. Also, it suggested that these influencing factors are closely related. However, very few of investigation discusses the interaction of these factors. Future investigations could study the interaction of these factors. Moreover, it’s more important to study how to treat and prevent adolescent depression.
文章引用:袁文颖 (2017). 青少年时期高发抑郁症的机制探讨. 心理学进展, 7(7), 909-917. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.77114


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