An Analysis on Dual Image of “Water” in Clezio’s Novels from the Perspective of Lexical Field—Examples of Wandering Star and The Interrogation
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2017.53029, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,484  浏览: 2,549 
作者: 郑昊澜 :厦门大学外文学院,福建 厦门
关键词: 克莱齐奥双重形象词汇场自然Le Clezio Water Dual Image Lexical Field Nature
摘要: 法国当代作家克莱齐奥十分擅长将自然元素融入其写作当中,而“水”是其作品中出现频率最高的子题之一。本文以语言学词汇场视角,对克莱齐奥的《流浪的星星》以及《诉讼笔录》这两部代表性作品中“水”的描写进行分析,挖掘“水”元素被赋予的双重含义——生命与希望、灾难与死亡,进而探讨和揭示其作品中映现的社会写照,以及作者对于生态与自然的思索和关爱。
Abstract: French contemporary writer, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio, is known for his technique of per-meating natural elements into his writing, among which “water” has been one of his most fre-quently spotted sub-themes. In this essay, two of Clezio’s most important works, namely “Wan-dering Star” and “The Interrogation” would be investigated. By looking into the description of “water” and its dual representations—life and death, hope and doom—from a linguistic perspec-tive, I will explore into the social allusions in his work, as well as his ecological and natural con-cerns.
文章引用:郑昊澜. 从词汇场视角看克莱齐奥小说中“水”的双重形象—以《流浪的星星》和《诉讼笔录》为例[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(3): 217-222. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.53029


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