Suggestions on the Professional Development of Physical Education Teachers in Primary and Middle Schools in Minority Areas
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.53034, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,680  浏览: 3,027 
作者: 黎 宁:广西百色市靖西市教研室,广西 百色
关键词: 民族地区体育教师专业发展Minority Areas Physical Education Teacher Professional Development
摘要: 由于历史原因,体育在少数民族地区中小学长期被当作“副科”看待,体育课不受重视、体育教师职后学习机会少、评价不合理等因素,影响了教师的专业发展。针对这些情况,文章认为,体育教师可通过“融”、“教”、“学”和“写”等方面,提高自身的专业素养和能力。即:融入社会可增加社会认同感,教学育人为教师的立命之本,学习专业技能为教师专业发展之道,科研写作是为了突破教师专业发展的瓶颈。此作为少数民族地区体育教师专业发展的建议与参考。
Abstract: Due to historical reasons, sports in the elementary and middle schools in the national area have been long regarded as the “minor” view. Physical education is not taken seriously; sports teachers have fewer opportunities for study; the treatment is relatively low; evaluation is unreasonable and other factors affect the professional development of teachers. In view of these circumstances, the article believes that physical education teachers can improve their professional literacy through the integrating, teaching, learning and writing. “Integrating” can increase the sense of social identity; “Teaching” is the foundation for the teachers; “Learning” is the way of teachers’ professional development; “Writing” is to break through the bottleneck of the professional development of teachers. This is a suggestion and reference for the professional development of physical education teachers in Ethnic Areas.
文章引用:黎宁. 少数民族地区中小学体育教师专业发展的建议[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(3): 228-232. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.53034


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