Bibliometrics Analysis of Domestic Studies from 1985 to 2016 on Ethnic Minorities’ Old-Age-Care
DOI: 10.12677/AR.2017.43006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,437  浏览: 2,691  国家科技经费支持
作者: 高矗群:云南中医学院,云南 昆明;兰熙铤:云南省健康与发展研究会,云南 昆明;张开宁:云南经济管理学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 文献计量学少数民族老龄化养老Bibliometrics Ethnic Minorities Ageing Old-Age-Care
摘要: 为了解目前国内关于少数民族老龄化研究的现状和特点等,基于CNKI、万方、维普三大国内权威数据库,查找1985~2016年中国期刊全文数据库收录的少数民族养老相关文献。通过进行统计、梳理,筛选出密切相关的251篇中文文献。运用文献计量学方法,从定量的角度分析251篇文献的年度文献量变化趋势、期刊载文量、作者、研究内容等。结果显示,少数民族养老研究相关文献量总体呈上升趋势;少数民族养老研究的深度和广度还有待增强;加强少数民族地区差异化探索研究十分必要;如何从“家庭支持”转向“支持家庭”是一个重要研究方向。
Abstract: To understand the status quo and characteristics of the study on the elderly care problem of eth-nic minorities in China, this paper, based on the three authoritative databases—CNKI, Wanfang and VPCS, tries to search the relevant research literature on the elderly care problem of ethnic minorities from 1985 to 2016, and then screens out 251 closely-related Chinese papers on the topic through statistical study. By using bibliometric methods, a quantitative analysis is carried out, which is about the annual changing tendency of the literature amount, the number of articles published, the authors, and the research content of the selected 251 papers. Research findings include: the study on elderly care problem of ethnic minorities shows a rise tendency; the depth and breadth of the study needs to be enhanced; it is necessary to strengthen the study of the differentiation of ethnic minority areas; how to realize the shift from “family support” to “support family” is an important research direction.
文章引用:高矗群, 兰熙铤, 张开宁. 1985~2016年国内少数民族养老研究文献计量分析[J]. 老龄化研究, 2017, 4(3): 38-43. https://doi.org/10.12677/AR.2017.43006


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