Research on the Current Situation and Path of Pension Finance Based on Supply Side View
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.74018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,931  浏览: 3,741  国家科技经费支持
作者: 汪连新*:中华女子学院金融系,北京
关键词: 养老金融供给侧结构改革现状问题建设路径Pension Finance Supply Side Structure Reform Current Situation Problem Construction Path
摘要: 养老金融是老年保障制度的核心内容,是金融服务面向老龄群体的拓展领域。养老金融在美国、日本等发达国家已有成熟的模式,其经验借鉴之处有政府主导、立法先行、建立多层次和多元化的养老金融服务体系,有完善的“以房养老”、长期护理保险制度,借鉴发达国家的经验,探究我国养老金融的发展现状,提出加快养老保险制度改革,实现社会养老保险基金全国统筹,拓展养老基金投资渠道,加快金融业混业经营改革的步伐,创新养老金融供给机制,满足老年人多层次,个性化的老年金融服务需求等建议。论文提出养老金融的建设路径包括:从供给侧结构性改革入手增加养老金融市场供给;加快养老金融制度的顶层设计;破解障碍“以房养老”的观念和体制,鼓励商业银行开发住房反向抵押贷款业务;完善长期护理保险制度等。
Abstract: Pension is the core content of the old-age security system, which is the field of financial services oriented to the aging group. Pension in the United States, Japan and other developed countries have mature model. Its experience includes the government-leading, legislation first, the establishment of multi-level and diversified pension financial services system, a sound “to the housing pension” and long-term care insurance system. We learn from the experience of developed countries to explore the status of China’s pension financing, and do some improvements such as putting forward to speed up the reform of the old-age insurance system to achieve social pension fund national coordination, expanding pension fund investment channels to speed up the financial industry mixed business reform, providing financial supply mechanism to meet the needs of the elderly multi-level and personalized elderly financial services and other recommendations. The paper puts forward the construction path of pension financing, including the following: from the supply side structural reform to increase the supply of the old-age financial market; to speed up the top-level design of the pension system; to solve the “old age” concept and system to encourage commercial banks to develop housing reverse mortgage loan business; to improve long-term care insurance system.
文章引用:汪连新. 基于供给侧视角的养老金融现状问题及路径研究[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(4): 124-132. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.74018


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