The New Progress Made on the Basis of the Principle of Constancy of Light
摘要: 本文设想事件(点光源)和参考系都处在“真空”中,则球面波波前扩散速度相对于事件点恒为C . 本研究值得重点说明的,是各个参考系的观察者分别被“固定”在各自参考系的原点位置(参考系中唯一可被确定的已知点),这样对观察者位置的明确经纬,对研究起着重要作用。点光源发出一脉冲闪光,这一脉冲在空间分布呈现为一宏观球形面。为此,爱因斯坦给出了两个参考系观察者对同一球面波的描述,并分别建立了各参考系关于同一球面波不同时刻的波前方程(1)和(2);不幸的是,爱因斯坦将两参考系波前方程实施了不恰当处理。然而,作者将两参考系波前方程(1)和(2)联立求解方程组而得到一组新公式。经实践考查,本新公式更能反映物质运动的客观实在性。
Abstract: This article assumes that events(point source) and the reference system in a “vacuum”, the diffusion velocity of the wave front of the spherical light wave relative to the incident point constant C. In this study, worthy of note is the reference system of the observer "fixed respective reference system origin location of known point(the only lines that can be identified), so clear latitude and longitude the observer position, research plays an important role. Point light source is a pulse flash, the pulse quantum state distribution of the space for a macroscopic spherical wave, Einstein gives the observer the same spherical wave description of the two reference systems, and the establishment of the two reference systems on the same spherical wave wave front equation (1)and (2). Unfortunately, yes, Einstein two reference Department of wave equation implementation of in appropriate treatment, however, the two reference systems of spherical wave wave front equation(1) and (2), the simultaneous solution of equation sand a formula, examine the practice, the result is a true reflection of the objective laws.
文章引用:杨发成. 在光速不变原理基础上的新进展[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2017, 2(1): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2017.21017


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