Research on the Application of Traditional Regional Culture in Environmental Design Teaching Reform
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.53043, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,827  浏览: 4,034 
作者: 冉 旭:三亚学院,海南 三亚
关键词: 传统地域文化环境设计教学改革Traditional Regional Culture Environmental Design Teaching; Reform
摘要: 环境设计体现了不同领域的人们的审美情趣和文化认同,而不同的环境设计的表达充分展现了传统地域文化及其魅力。地域文化的魅力影响着经济社会的发展,同时也增加中华民族的凝聚力。环境设计教学改革不仅要从人才培养的角度考虑,而且要从专业的长远发展方面,不断改进和完善环境设计的教学质量,才能有效促进环境设计教学的发展。本文将研究传统地域文化在环境设计教学中存在的问题,并探讨了教学改革的策略。
Abstract: Environmental design reflects people’s aesthetic taste and cultural identity in different fields, and the expression of different environmental design fully displays the traditional regional culture and its charm. The charm of regional culture influences the development of economy and society, and it also increases the cohesion of the Chinese nation. The design of teaching environment should not only from the angle of talent training, but also from the aspects of long-term professional development, continuously improving the teaching quality of environment design, which can effectively promote the development of environmental design teaching. This paper will study the problems existing in the teaching of environmental design in traditional regional culture, and discuss the strategies of teaching reform.
文章引用:冉旭. 传统地域文化在环境设计教学改革中的应用研究[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(3): 282-286. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.53043


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