Research on the Efficiency Evaluation of Bank Credit Policy from the Perspective of Green Finance
摘要: “绿色信贷”是将环保调控手段通过金融杠杆来具体实现的一项环境经济政策。政策的实施效果需要通过科学的效率性评估来检测。本文从绿色信贷政策实施效果的评估出发,通过实证调查对银行业绿色信贷业务的执行效率进行评估研究,分析绿色信贷发展面临的问题,结合西方发达国家发展历程及经验,对我国绿色信贷发展提出建议。
Abstract: Green credit is an environmental economic policy, which achieves environmental protection means through financial leverage. The implementation of the policy needs to be tested by a scientific efficiency assessment. This paper starts from the evaluation of the implementation effect of green credit policy, evaluates the efficiency of the implementation of the green credit business in banking through empirical investigation and analyzes the problems faced by green credit development, and puts forward the policies and suggestions on the development of green credit in China in the light of the development course and experience of western developed countries.
文章引用:杨洋. 绿色金融视角下银行信贷政策效率性评估研究[J]. 金融, 2017, 7(4): 218-226. https://doi.org/10.12677/FIN.2017.74022


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