Analyzing the Concerted Application Regulation of Composite of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Cold and Hot Nature in Treatise on Febrile Diseases written by Zhang Zhongjing
摘要: 仲景《伤寒论》中所立经方,被后世誉为“众法之宗,群方之祖”,其疗效卓著、配伍严谨、用药精湛,皆体现了“方以法立,法以方传”的特点,至今仍对临床有很高的使用价值。仲景遣药组方切中病机,寓意深刻,颇堪师法。其中,“寒温并用”便是张仲景组方用药的显著特色之一。《伤寒论》载方113首,其中寒温并用方竟达52首之多,仲景以病因病机为基础,同时使用寒凉药与温热药的配伍,各趋其所,有相反相成之妙。仲景的寒温并用,根据病机不同,其用亦有不同。本文通过例证《伤寒论》中寒温并用的代表方剂,并具体从七个方面分析总结其药物配伍规律与配伍目的。
Abstract: The classical prescriptions made by Zhang Zhongjing are praised as “the court of common law, the ancestor of square”, which have distinct effects, strict compatibility and accurate pharmacy. Until now, the usage is still of great clinical application value. The medication applied by Zhang Zhongjing corresponds to the causes of diseases and has a profound meaning. Composite of Chinese herbal medicine in cold and hot nature is a characteristic feature in Treatise on Febrile Diseases with 52 pieces of prescriptions of Chinese herbal medicine in cold and hot nature taking up the whole of 113 pieces of prescriptions, which consist of many prescriptions using Chinese herbal medicine in cold and hot nature at the same time based on the causes of diseases. The functions of medication change with the different causes. This essay analyzes and summarizes the rules and purpose of compatibility of Chinese herbal medicine mainly from seven aspects by exemplifying the representative prescriptions.
文章引用:孔乔. 浅析仲景《伤寒论》方证中“寒温并用”药物配伍规律[J]. 中医学, 2017, 6(4): 205-208. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2017.64033


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