A Study on the Formation of Tantra in Tibetan Buddhism
DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2017.53003, PDF, 下载: 1,336  浏览: 3,591 
作者: 刘建华:延安大学政法学院,陕西 延安
关键词: 西藏藏传佛教佛教传播Tibet Tibetan Buddhism The Spreading of Buddhism
摘要: 佛教在西藏的传播过程中发生了很大的变化,最终形成了与世界其他地区不同、独具雪域特色的藏传佛教。综合考量西藏自然环境对文化形成的长时段影响,松赞干布以降古代西藏的社会环境、政治、经济以及文化结构对文化形成的中时段影响以及渐顿之争等即时性历史事件之后,发现藏传佛教重密特征形成受西藏独特的历史、社会、文化以及自然环境等因素的影响颇深。
Abstract: Buddhism had undergone great changes in its spreading process in Tibet. Thus Tibetan Buddhism that with some characteristics that were quite different from other sect of Buddhism came into being. Considering the long-term influence of the natural environment on the formation of Tibet, the social environment, politics, economy and cultural structure of the ancient Tibet after the Songzan Gambo's influence on the formation of the culture, we found that the social environment including politics, economy and some other factors were combined into the basic tantric feature in Tibetan Buddhism.
文章引用:刘建华. 藏传佛教重密传统形成考[J]. 历史学研究, 2017, 5(3): 15-21. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2017.53003


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