Impact of the Shading Intensity on the Cultivation Characteristics of Phlox subulata
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2017.65039, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,388  浏览: 3,135  科研立项经费支持
作者: 朱军杰, 胥明*:上海辰山植物园,上海
关键词: 丛生福禄考遮荫越夏发育性状Phlox subulata Shading over Summer Growth Traits
摘要: 目的:探讨不同遮荫程度对丛生福禄考越夏生长的影响,为该植物夏季遮荫管理提供参考依据。方法:以丛生福禄考一年生扦插苗为试验材料,设全光照处理、50%遮荫、70%遮荫、90%遮荫4个水平,测定其茎长,茎数、分级数、分蘖数、蓬径指标,并分析不同遮荫程度丛生福禄考茎发育培性状变化的影响。结果:不同遮荫处理时,丛生福禄考的茎长、茎数、分蘖数、分级数、分蘖数均显著影响(P < 0.05,下同);茎长、茎数、分级数随着遮荫强度的增加,生长量下降,但遮荫程度不同,茎部趋势并不一致且差异显著;茎长“先增后减”,茎数和分级数则持续降低。丛生福禄考的茎长增幅、蓬径增幅、茎数增幅两两之间存在极显著正相关(P < 0.01,下同)。分级数的增幅与分蘖数的增幅之间有显著正相关。结论:福禄考在越夏时期,不需要遮荫,是喜阳植物,对于弱光环境有一定的耐性。
Abstract: Objective: The influence of shading measures on the cultivation characteristics of Phlox subulata was studied to provide references for summer shade management. Method: One-year-cuttings of Phlox subulata were used as material, and four treatments of full exposure, shading of 50%, 70% and 90% were set to measure the effects of stem length, number of stem, grading number, tiller number and canopy diameter. Result: Different shading treatments, Phlox subulata stem length, number of stem, number of grading, sprout number had significant effects (P < 0.05, the same be-low). Stem length, number of stem, number of grading decreased with the increase of the shading intensity. But among the different degree of shading, the growth trend of stem was not consistent and the difference was significant. The length of stem increased first and then decreased, and the number of stems and the number of grades decreased continuously. Among the increase of stem length, number of stem and canopy diameter were showing highly significant positive correlation (P < 0.01, the same below). There was a significant positive correlation between the increase of classification number and tiller number. Conclusion: In summer, Phlox subulata does not need any shade. It is heliophile, but it can endure a certain shade environment.
文章引用:朱军杰, 胥明. 遮荫对丛生福禄考茎部发育特性的影响[J]. 植物学研究, 2017, 6(5): 298-303. https://doi.org/10.12677/BR.2017.65039


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