The Principal Position of Teachers in the Universities: Its Current Situation and Institutional Guarantee
摘要: 本文阐述了法律法规和实践赋予大学教师在学校教学研究及管理中的“主体地位”,分析在大学“党委领导下的校长负责制”和院系“党政共同负责制”框架下教师主体地位的现状。提出了贯彻“以人为本”理念使教师有尊严地从事教学研究;建立“教授委员会”制度把“学术权力”还给教师;完善“教代会”制度把“监督权力”赋予教师;构建“多元主体参与的院系治理结构”保证教师处于“主体地位”等基本观点,促使大学教师主体地位的彰显与回归。
Abstract: This paper discusses the principal position held by the teachers in the activities of a university, including teaching, research and governance. This position is endowed by relevant laws and regulations and confirmed by the practice. It also analyzes the present condition of teachers’ position in China’s universities within the framework of the “Principal Accountability System under the Leadership of the Party Committee” at the university level and the “Mechanism of Common Assumption of Responsibility by Both the Party and the Administration” at the department level. On this basis, the paper proposes the implementation of the “people-oriented” idea to enable teachers to teach and research with dignity; the establishment of the “Professor Committee System” to return the “academic right” to the teachers; the improvement of the “Teachers’ Representative Committee System” to give the “supervisory right” to the teachers; and the construction of the “governance structure involving multiple parties for schools and departments” to ensure the principal position of the teachers. All this will shed new light on the issue and help uphold the principal position of university teachers.
文章引用:韦希. 论大学教师的主体地位及其回归[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(4): 315-322. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.54049


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