Self-Acceptance: The Proper Meaning of Mental Health
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.79145, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,320  浏览: 4,459  科研立项经费支持
作者: 孟凡斐, 黄希庭:西南大学心理学部,重庆;程翠萍:重庆第二师范学院,重庆
关键词: 自我接纳心理健康适应自我认识自我改变Self-Acceptance Mental Health Adaption Self-Knowledge Self-Change
摘要: 自我接纳是指个体在认识自己的基础上,对现实自我及其相关特征主动认可和乐意接受的态度。它是一种复杂的心理现象,具有非依附性、非回避性、非评判性和自愿等多种特性。自我接纳对个体健康自我的养成、对情绪适应性和社会适应性的提升都有着促进作用。从发展的角度看,自我接纳是自我改变的先导。为最大发挥自我接纳在维护个体身心健康、促进自我成长方面的积极功能,个体应正确理解和实践认识自己、接纳自己、改变自己以及这三者之间的关系。未来研究应探讨自我接纳的中西方文化差异,并着重对我国当代中学生自我接纳特点进行考察,以期为其自我接纳品质的养成提供建议。
Abstract: Self-acceptance is the attitude that one accepts the real self and its characteristics positively and willingly, which is on the basis of self-knowledge. It is a complex psychological phenomenon that possesses multiple properties: nonattachment, nonavoidance, nonjudgment and willingness. Empirical studies have shown that self-acceptance can contribute to developing the health self and strengthening the ability of emotional adaptation as well as social adaptation. From the development point of view, self-acceptance is the leader of self-change. In order to maximize the function of self-acceptance about maintaining mental health and promoting self-growth, individuals should correctly understand and deal with the relationship between knowing themselves, accepting themselves, changing themselves. Future research could investigate the cultural difference between China and the west of self-acceptance and explore the characteristics of Chinese contemporary teenagers’ self-acceptance. Then, practical advices will be provided for their cultivation of self-acceptance.
文章引用:孟凡斐, 程翠萍, 黄希庭 (2017). 自我接纳:心理健康的应有之义. 心理学进展, 7(9), 1161-1171. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.79145


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