Nurses’ Perceptions on “Holistic Care”
DOI: 10.12677/NS.2017.64022, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,329  浏览: 3,413 
作者: 陆 亮, 董慧贞*:那打素全人健康持續進修學院,香港
关键词: 全人关顾照顾临床护士急性医院Holistic Care Care Clinical Nurse Acute Hospital
摘要: 现代的医疗及照顾专业都强调全人关顾的重要性,而香港特别行政区政府医院管理局护理组亦早于2000年初已推广施行全人护理。研究目的:探讨香港医院管理局辖下急症医院的临床护士对全人关顾的看法,以了解护士在临床工作上提供“全人关顾”的状况。方法:于2014年9月至2015年5月期间以个别访谈的方式,访问了15位临床护士,并采用描述性的质性研究方法,对访谈内容作分析。结果:受访护士对“全人关顾”有不同看法,亦认为于实践上受着各种因素影响,需以不同专业团队共同合作来处理个别病人的需要。总结:受访护士普遍认为“全人关顾”在临床实践上是可行的,且是具有价值和意义的,唯在临床的实务中,仍以照顾生理上的需要作优先考虑。
Abstract: Currently, health care professionals have emphasized the importance of Holistic Care, and the Nursing Department of the Hospital Authority of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has been promoting holistic care since 2000. Purpose: To explore the perceptions of clinical nurses in the acute hospitals of the Hospital Authority of HKSAR on “Holistic Care”. Method: The qualitative study approach using individual interview was adopted, and a total of 15 clinical nurses were interviewed during the period from September 2014 to May 2015. The interview was transcribed verbatim and subject to content analysis. Result: The interviewees have different perspectives on “Holistic Care”, and they thought the successful implementation of “Holistic Care” will be affected by various factors. It requires collaboration among different healthcare professionals for handling patient’s individual needs. Conclusion: "Holistic Care" in clinical practice is feasible, and is valuable and meaningful. However, in clinical practice, nurses still will take care of the patient’s physiological needs as priority.
文章引用:陆亮, 董慧贞. 临床护士对全人关顾的看法[J]. 护理学, 2017, 6(4): 115-124. https://doi.org/10.12677/NS.2017.64022


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