The Moral Education of University Young Teachers under the Crisis of Modernity—The Revelation of Stevenson’s Emotivism
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作者: 陶 勤:南京师范大学公共管理学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 现代性危机情绪主义道德道德分歧Modernity Crisis Emotivism Morality Moral Disagreements
摘要: 青年教师师德建设状况的不尽如人意,有教育主管部门教育方式偏颇等微观的制约,但是现代性危机造成的超验可能性消解、传统信仰断裂、既有权威消失等状况的宏观影响却是更深刻的时代根源。史蒂文森的“情绪主义”为我们提供了一种新的思考路径和实践可能。我们只有通过还学术以真正的自由空间、回归意义世界的德性教育、超越经验世界的价值引导来影响青年教师的态度改变,才能实现道德教育的真正意义。
Abstract: The condition of young teacher’s morality construction is not very desirable. Of cause it has many reasons, such as the implementation of education method by the department of education, but the crisis of modernity such as the dissipating of transcendental possibility, the fracture of traditional belief and the disappearance of authority is the fundamental impact. Stevenson’s “Emotivism” provides us with a new way of thinking and practice. We have to try to influence the attitude of young teachers to realize the real meaning of moral education, through the way of returning academic truly free space, moral education by returning to virtue world and value guiding beyond the experience world.
文章引用:陶勤. 现代性危机下的大学青年教师道德教育—史蒂文森情绪主义的启示[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(10): 1217-1222. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.610173


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