The Discussion and Analysis on Strengthening the Management of Accounting Personnel Training
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.54055, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,583  浏览: 4,143  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨 妹, 李淑珍*, 陆 依:北京服装学院,北京
关键词: 管理会计人才培养培养目标课程体系Management Accounting Talent Cultivation Training Objective Curriculum System
摘要: 近年来随着企业竞争的加剧,能够推动企业整体绩效提高的管理会计人才必将成为企业间争夺的宝贵资源。本文在分析了管理会计人才培养的重要性与急迫性的基础上,探讨了我校会计专业人才培养目标及课程体系设计中应关注的问题,以期在未来能够培养出更适应市场需求的管理会计人才。
Abstract: In recent years, as the competition of enterprises intensifies, the management accounting talents who can promote the overall performances of enterprises will be a valuable resource for the competition among enterprises. On the basis of analyzing the importance and urgency of managing accounting personnel training, this paper discusses the problems that should be paid attention to in the design of the objective of personnel cultivation and curriculum system in our accounting major.
文章引用:杨妹, 李淑珍, 陆依. 加强管理会计人才培养探析[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(4): 357-360. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.54055


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