A Study of Rhetorical Construction “Shu N De”
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2017.54045, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,834  浏览: 4,190  国家科技经费支持
作者: 杨 柳:南京大学,江苏 南京
关键词: “属+N+的”构式修辞构式构式化成因语用功能“Shu N de” Construction Rhetorical Constructions Structural Causes Pragmatic Functions
摘要: 本文对现代汉语中的“属+N+的”结构进行了初步考察和分析。我们认为“属+N+的”结构是一种修辞构式,其构式原型为“属+生肖词+的”。通过对“N”的考察,我们发现凡是能进入该构式的名词成分都必须同时满足[+具象,+特征突出]的语义特征。我们运用构式语法理论的研究理念和分析手段,对“属+N+的”构式的构式赋义、构式化成因等方面逐一进行分析和讨论,最终归纳出“属+N+的”的构式义为“对话语对象凸显特征的主观性评价”。其构式化的产生主要受到三个方面的影响,包括主观色彩增强、规约隐含的制约以及语境信息的补偿。此外,我们还选取了相似构式“跟X一样”与“属+N+的”构式进行比较分析。最后,对修辞构式“属+N+的”的语用功能进行简要说明。
Abstract: This paper makes a preliminary investigation and analysis of the structure of “Shu N de” in mod-ern Chinese. We believe that the structure of “Shu N de” is a very common and productive form in modern Chinese, and its construction prototype is “Shu Zodiac de”. We used the theory of con-struction grammar and analysis method, discussed the “Shu N de” structure on the evolution from grammatical construction to rhetorical construction. Further to the “Shu N de” syntactic structure, constructional meaning and constructional causes were analyzed. Finally, we summed up the constructional meaning of the “Shu N de” as “The subjective evaluation of the salient features of discourse objects.” At the same time, the pragmatic functions are briefly explained.
文章引用:杨柳. 现代汉语修辞构式“属+N+的”研究[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(4): 332-339. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.54045


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