A Brief Introduction of the Characteristics of Courtyard in Shanxi
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2017.64030, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,508  浏览: 4,385  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘宇娇, 王国华, 侯圆圆:山西师范大学地理科学学院,山西 临汾
关键词: 山西民居自然地理环境地域特性旅游资源 Shanxi Residential Area Natural Geographical Environment Regional Characteristics Tourism Resources
摘要: 山西地处黄土高原地带,地形多样,气候纬度地带性明显,因此南北自然环境和风俗习惯差异显著,不同地域的民居亦表现出各自独特的特征。本文按照不同纬度山西典型民居类型,阐明了山西民居的地域分布特征,简述了合院式、窑洞式、窑院等山西民居样式和风格,并对其形成条件进行分析。山西民居独特历史文化性,有着巨大的旅游开发潜力和广阔的市场前景,在山西大力发展旅游开发的背景下,对促进山西民居保护和传承传统民居文化具有重要的现实意义。
Abstract: Shanxi is located in the Loess Plateau with diverse terrain and different climate. The natural envi-ronment and customs between north and south of Shanxi are significantly different, and different areas of residential also show their unique characteristics. This paper shows the geographical distribution characteristics of Shanxi dwellings according to the typical dwelling patterns of Shanxi, gives a brief introduction to the style and style of courtyard, cave, kiln and other Shanxi dwellings, and analyzes the formation conditions. Shanxi residential unique history and culture have a huge potential for tourism development and broad market prospects. Especially in this period of Shanxi economic depression, the promotion of Shanxi residential protection and heritage of traditional residential culture has important practical significance to develop tourism.
文章引用:刘宇娇, 王国华, 侯圆圆. 山西民居院落特征简述[J]. 地理科学研究, 2017, 6(4): 265-272. https://doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2017.64030


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