The Research of Creativity in Mainland Chinese Students’ Organization in Taiwan in the View of Learning Organization Theory—Association of Ningbo Students in Taiwan as the Example
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2018.61003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,224  浏览: 3,206 
作者: 马 冀:台湾政治大学教育学院,台湾 台北
关键词: 陆生社团宁波市联谊会学习型组织个案分析Mainland China Students Ningbo Students’ Association in Taiwan Learning Organization Case Study
摘要: 随着陆生数量的增长,陆生社团也日渐活跃,近年来,地区性陆生联谊会开始纷纷建立,而同时学校性陆生联谊会的发展受到限制,面临着各种各样的问题。出现这些问题的其中一个重要原因就是创新力的缺乏。本研究以陆生社团中的新兴势力,地方性陆生联谊会中的典范代表,宁波市赴台学历生联谊会为例,在彼得•圣吉的学习型组织理论的视阈下,以个案的方式叙述宁波市联谊会的建立和发展,与传统陆生社团相比较,分析其中体现出来的创新力和促进组织创新力的元素、条件等。本研究还对在宁波市联谊会发展过程中的一些创新力要点进行了反思,为陆生社团的创新提供建议和参考。
Abstract: As the increasing number of Mainland China students study in Taiwan, the organization of Main-land China students is dynamic: More students association in the name of city and province is es-tablishing, while the schools’ association limited by several issues, for example, appropriation, lack of innovation, poor management. The lack of creativity of organization is the important rea-son of the decline in schools’ association. This paper is the first research in Mainland China stu-dents’ association, which is also one of the very few reflections in foreign students’ association. This research uses the example of Ningbo students’ association, which is the “new power” of Mainland China students in the view of learning organization. The research describes the estab-lishing and developing of the association to compare with the other Mainland China students’ as-sociation, focus on their structure, activities, and analyze the innovation and the elements and condition of creativity. This research also reflects the creativity of organization developing and provides suggestion and reference for Mainland China student’ association.
文章引用:马冀. 学习型组织视阈下的赴台陆生社团创新力研究—以宁波市赴台学历生联谊会为例[J]. 创新教育研究, 2018, 6(1): 13-23. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2018.61003


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