Talents Cultivation Mode Discussion on the Basis of Industry Market Demands for the Belt and Road Countries
摘要: “一带一路”倡议为我国“走出去”企业带来新机遇的同时,也对本土化人才市场提出新挑战。培养符合企业需求的本土化国际人才关键在于创新校企合作模式和构建新的多元化人才培养体系,文章从有色金属行业“走出去”企业的人才需求现状入手,通过分析北方工业大学与中国有色矿业集团有限公司合作模式,提出构建“一带一路”国家多元化人才培养体系,为高校如何培养符合行业企业“走出去”需求的本土化国际人才提供借鉴。
Abstract: In China, “The Belt and Road” Initiative, on the one side, brings new opportunities for “going-out” enterprises in China, and on the other side, presents a new challenge to the local talent market. The key to train international talents is to innovate the enterprise-university cooperation mode and to construct a new multi-level talent cultivation system. Based on the market demand of in-ternational talent in nonferrous metals industry, and by analyzing the cooperation mode be-tween China Nonferrous Metal Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. and North China University of Technolo-gy, this thesis puts forward to construct a multi-level talents cultivation system for the Belt and Road countries, so as to help universities better educate international talents, meeting the global market demands.
文章引用:徐美. 基于行业背景下的“一带一路”国家人才培养模式探讨[J]. 创新教育研究, 2018, 6(1): 49-53. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2018.61008


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