The Names of Potatoes in Chinese Dialects
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2018.62036, PDF, 下载: 1,669  浏览: 3,336  国家科技经费支持
作者: 项梦冰:北京大学中文系暨中国语言学研究中心,计算语言学教育部重点实验室,北京;周怿培:北京大学中文系,北京
关键词: 马铃薯汉语方言词地理学Potato Chinese Dialects Word Geography
摘要: 本文以《汉语方言地图集》(LACD)词汇卷016图为依据,在梳理本字和若干方言语料的基础上,把930个汉语方言点马铃薯说法的词形重新分为7大类(“芋”类、“薯”类、“土豆”类、“山药”类、“地蛋”类、“蔓菁”类和其他类)70小类,绘制必要的方言地图,并结合地图讨论若干相关问题。主要的结论有:1) “芋”类词形的分布区域最广,方言点数最多,内部的小类也最多。“芋”类词形的东西两个扇形分布区域并非扩散关系,而是独立发展的结果。其中西部扇形区的核心地带(川渝鄂陕交界地带)是历史上最早引种马铃薯的地区,时间是18世纪末叶。把云南视为中国马铃薯引种的起源地证据不足。2) “荷兰薯”是随着19世纪初澳门引种马铃薯出现的说法。“马铃薯”是一个来自日语的回归借词,与“马来”无关。使用“马铃薯”词形的地方引种马铃薯都很晚甚至不种马铃薯。3) 指马铃薯的“土豆”最早出现在东北,直接借用了指土圞儿的“土豆”,并扩散到京津地区和河北、河南。4) 文献中的“回回山药”或“回子山药”指的是番薯,而不是马铃薯。5) “山药蛋”、“地蛋”一直是地区性的叫名, 但“洋芋”、“荷兰薯”历史上都曾进入过通语,只是没有扎根,后来被“马铃薯”和“土豆”所替换。6) 在两种词形交界的地带,往往会出现词形的兼用和截搭现象,例如苏北、鲁西有“地蛋”、“土豆”的兼用,也有“地豆”这种截搭形式。
Abstract: Using the data of Map 016 in the vocabulary volume of Linguistic Atlas of Chinese Dialects(LACD), this paper reclassifies the word forms of malingshu (“potato”) in 930 Chinese dialects into 7 broad categories (“yu”, “shu”, “tudou”, “shanyao”, “didan”, “manjing” and “the others”) and 70 sub-categories on the basis of analyzing certain etymologies words and dialect materials. Then it draws necessary dialect maps and discusses several related issues with a combination of the maps. The main conclusions are listed below: 1) The “yu” category has the widest distribution, the most dialects and the most sub-categories. The “yu” category is distributed in two fan-shaped regions in the east and west respectively, as the result of their independent development, rather than diffu-sion.. The core area of the west fan-shaped region is the earliest potato-growing zone in history, at the end of 18th century, but no adequate evidence exists to suggest that Yunnan Province is the origin introduction site. 2) “Helanshu” is a name came after the appearance of potato-growing in Macau in early 19th century. “malingshu” is a returned loanword from Japanese, which is not derived from “malai”. Potatoes are late, or even not, grown in the regions where use “malingshu”. 3) The form “tudou” first appeared in northeast China, directly named after the “tudou” which refers to “tuluan’er”(hodoimo, Apios americana), and then diffused to the Beijing-Tianjin region and Hebei, Henan. 4) “malingshu” and “tudou” in general speech assumed different roles , with the former being more formal and the latter is more colloquial. 5) “shanyaodan” and “didan” are always re-gional name. “Yangyu” and “Helanshu” were once general names in history, but they were replaced by “malingshu” and “tudou” nowdays. 6) In the contacting area of two forms, parallel use and blending are frequent. For example, in northern Jiangsu Province and western Shandong Province, both “didan” and “tudou” are all used, along with the blend of the two, “didou”.
文章引用:项梦冰, 周怿培. 汉语方言里的马铃薯[J]. 现代语言学, 2018, 6(2): 290-322. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2018.62036


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