Design on Aeration Scheme of Jianhe River’s Urban Part
摘要: 武当山剑河城区河段水环境容量严重超载,污染严重,出现恶臭,成为城区旅游景观的一大诟病,影响沿岸居民生活。且由于剑河最终汇入南水北调源头——丹江口水库,对源头水的水质会产生一定影响。因此对剑河的污染治理是当务之急。本文考虑对剑河实施曝气复氧工程以提高河水中溶解氧,加快污染物降解,恢复其生态平衡。根据剑河实际情况和处理目标,采用一级反应的箱式模型计算出剑河需氧量约为1500 kgO2/d。在对现有常用各种曝气机的优缺点进行比较后,选择了与剑河耦合度最高的射流式曝气机,并对其安装位置、安装方法方式、防护、控制、电路、后期维护等各方面进行了设计探讨。而在综合效益方面,对剑河进行人工复氧后不仅可以改善水环境且对武当山地区的经济和文化也有一定积极作用。
Abstract: Pollutants in Jianhe River has gone beyond its water environmental capacity. As a result, the river has been very seriously polluted. The appearance of black and odorous in Jianhe River caused a bad influence on coastal resi- dents. Moreover, the confluence of Jianhe River is Danjiangkou reservoir that is the source of South to North Water Transfer Project. So dirties water from Jianhe River will pollute the water in Danjiangkou reservoir. Therefore, to im- prove the water quality of Jianhe River, aeration is chosen to solve this problem. According to the particular case of Jianhe River, actual oxygen demand of Jianhe River is result to be 1500 kgO2/d. After a comparison of different aera- tions, jet aeration is proved to be the most suitable one for Jianhe River. Then the paper makes an introduction to the installation location, installation methods, protection, control, maintenance and circuit of the aeration. Moreover, aera- tion can not only improve the environment of Jianhe River, but also be an important factor on the economic growth and the communication of different cultures.
文章引用:余晓妹, 李兆华, 李昆, 焦栗. 剑河城区段曝气复氧方案设计[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2012, 2(3): 40-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AEP.2012.23007


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