Prove the Algorithm of Euler Line with Orthogonal Radius of 4 Spheres as 4 Variables—Application of Pythagorean Theorem of Four Dimensional Volume (Formula 4)
摘要: 正交4球心组成的垂心四面体,在欧氏3D坐标系中,仅用四球半径,按勾股4态的4个共球半径、球心坐标、球心距垂心间距均有各自的同构公式。
Abstract: In Euclidean 3D coordinate system, the vertical tetrahedron composed of orthogonal four spherical centers has its own isomorphic formulas according to the four common spherical radius of Py-thagorean four states, the coordinates of spherical centers and the distance between the spherical centers and the vertical centers.
文章引用:蔡国伟. 证明以正交4球半径为4元数欧拉线的算法——四维体积勾股定理的应用(公式四)[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2019, 4(1): 1-18. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2019.41028


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