The Impact of Reward Actions on Customer Lifetime Value of Commercial Bank
摘要: 众所周知,回报计划会带来客户交易行为的改变,在零售业中一般也是通过客户行为来观察企业收益。但银行业的特殊性,导致这种方式已不能正确度量银行的收益。本文将站在企业的角度,重点研究商业银行实施回报计划对其客户终身价值所带来的影响,并为此建立银行活期储蓄客户终身价值的多层线性模型,利用银行交易数据对模型进行实证分析。模型分析结果表明,积分兑换次数,积分兑换额度无论是对高端客户还是低端客户的终身价值影响均不显著,但是积分余额对低端客户终身价值具有显著的正向影响,而对高端客户终身价值的影响则不显著。本研究结论对银行业的客户关系管理具有现实借鉴意义。
Abstract: As everyone knows, reward programs will bring customer transaction behaviors change. In retail industries, they can measure their incomes by observing customer transaction behaviors. But in the bank industries, things are deference. They can not measure their profits by the same method. This article will stand in the angle of the banks, and focus on the impact of reward actions on customer lifetime value of commercial bank. We establish the hierarchical linear model to Analysis this impacts. The results show, both reward ex- change frequency and reward exchange quantities are not significantly. But on light users’ customer lifetime values, reward balance has significant positive effect. And the impact is not significant for high users’ cus- tomer lifetime values. The study may give references to bank industries’ customer relation management.
文章引用:李纯青, 张华, 马军平. 积分兑换对活期储蓄客户CLV影响分析[J]. 现代市场营销, 2011, 1(3): 37-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mom.2011.13008


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