Proof of Riemann Hypothesis(一)—The Way, Method and Main Steps of Proving Riemann Hypothesis(2/3)
摘要: 针对周期多项式的零点理论问题及其在峰值附近的异常现象,将区间[−a, a]上定义的函数f的周期零点及其在±a处的奇数阶与作者的研究成果—Cliffor链的新性质和素数的新性质联系起来,并用哥德尔数对黎曼假定作出了合理的解释,进而完成了黎曼猜想的证明。同时,论文中也给出了21个与证明黎曼猜想紧密相关的基础性新定理、引理和推论。证明的具体思路:首先将Euler公式的算式设定为用M角数表示的“特殊单位”I,然后分解所有非平凡零点的集合为“特殊单位”I的路径组合,再通过研究Helmholtz和Clifford的几何体系,就可以得到将函数的黎曼解析延拓转化为离散级数延拓的方法。主要步骤:1) 将积分函数转化为基于平面分层的级数形式,研究实整函数只有实零点的两个充要条件,并在黎曼函数的研究中应用这些条件;2) 应用费马递降法的降阶原理,证明与黎曼函数有关整周期函数的零点分布结论;3) 研究希尔伯特第16个问题与Helmholtz和Clifford的几何体系等价问题。通过元数学递归理论的最简计算方法的研究,扼要证明希尔伯特第16个问题与空间有限条平行直线(有限的间距)相交于无穷远处的有限个点等价的结论;4) 给出证明黎曼猜想的基本原理以及两个关键结论。实际上,已经在汉斯出版社发表或发布的多篇论文都属于证明黎曼猜想的的前期准备工作。我们以后将围绕着黎曼猜想陆续给出上述每一项内容的详细证明或说明,最终完成黎曼猜想的严密证明。
Abstract: In view of the problem of zero point theory of periodic polynomials and its abnormal phenomenon near the peak of , this paper relates the periodic zero point of function f defined on interval [−a, a] and its odd order at ± a with the new properties of cliffor chain and prime number, which are the author’s research results, and makes a reasonable explanation of Riemann’s hypothesis by using Godel number, and then completes the proof of Riemann’s conjecture. At the same time, 21 basic new theorems, lemmas and corollaries which are closely related to the proof of Riemann conjecture are given. The concrete idea of proof: first, set the formula of and as “special unit” I expressed by M-Gonal number, then decompose the set of all nontrivial zeros into the path combination of “special unit” I, and then by studying the geometry system of Helmholtz and Clifford, we can get the method of transforming Riemannian analytic extension of function into discrete series extension. The main steps are as follows: 1) Transform the integral function into a series form based on plane stratification, study the two necessary and sufficient conditions that the real integral function has only real zero point, and apply these conditions in the study of Riemann function; 2) Apply the reduction principle of Fermat method to prove the zero point distribution conclusion of the whole periodic function related to the Riemann function; 3) Study the 16th problem of Hilbert and hel Mholdz and Clifford’s geometric system equivalence problem. Based on the research of the simplest calculation method of the recurrence theory of metamathematics, this paper briefly proves that the 16th problem of Hilbert is equivalent to the finite points where the space finite parallel lines (finite distance) intersect at infinity; 4) The basic principle of proving Riemann conjecture and two key conclusions are given. In fact, many papers that have been published or published in Hans publishing house belong to the preparatory work of proving Riemann’s conjecture. In the future, we will continue to give detailed proof or explanation of each of the above items around Riemann conjecture, and finally complete the strict proof of Riemann conjecture.
文章引用:郭志成, 杨军. 黎曼猜想的证明(一)——证明黎曼猜想的途径、方法和主要步骤(中)[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51020


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