Credit Risk Analysis of Real Estate Companies
摘要: 当前,房地产企业遭遇着种种考验,面临着重视、建立和维护“信用资源”的极大挑战。本文从信用、风险和信用风险的基本理解入手,通过剖析我国房地产投资开发项目的特点、房地产企业信用风险的成因,揭示目前房地产企业突出的资金链问题所导致的重大信用风险,强调房地产企业在严峻的市场经济环境中,唯有重视企业和项目良好信用的建立,把“信用资源”作为企业第四大资源,才能保证企业在新一轮洗牌中生存和发展。
Abstract: Currently, real estate companies are facing with a variety of tests and the great challenge on “Credit Resources” that how to pay attention to establish and maintain it. From the point of credit risk and its basic understanding, this paper reveals the significant credit risk caused by prominent issue of real estate business capital chain, through analysis characteristics of China’s real estate investment and the causes of its credit risk. In this tough market environment, only by paying attention to build good business credit and treating the “Credit Resources” as the fourth-largest resource, can we ensure that enterprises can survive and development in the new round of reshuffle.
文章引用:邓晓盈, 冯武. 房地产企业信用风险分析[J]. 现代管理, 2012, 2(1): 33-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mm.2012.21007