The Change of Residents’ Subjective Well-Being after the Tenth Anniversary of Macao’s Handover
摘要: 2009年时逢澳门回归十周年和中华人民共和国成立六十周年的双庆日子。为了比较和分析澳门回归前后澳门居民的主观幸福感,我们采用自编问卷和总体幸福感量表(GWBS),对450名澳门居民进行问卷调查,并从性别、年龄、婚姻状况、宗教信仰、文化程度、月收入六个方面进行比较分析。结果发现:无论在六种人口学变量上,在GWBS总体上,还是在GWBS的六个维度(对生活的满足和兴趣,对健康的担心、精力、忧郁或愉快的心境、对情感和行为的控制、松弛和紧张)上,澳门回归后,居民的幸福感均较回归前有显著提高。我们认为该结果是由于澳门回归后,在经济、政治方面的飞速发展、国际地位的提高以及治安的改进等原因促成的。
Abstract: On December 20, 1999, China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Macao. From then on, Macao entered a completely new era in its history, and that brought changes to residents’ subject well-being. In order to analyze and compare this change when before and after Macao’s handover, we investigated 450 residents in Macao with General Well-Being Schedule (GWBS) and Self-Compiled Questionnaire, and ana- lyzed from aspects of sex, age, religion, marriage states, school record, and monthly income. The results showed a significantly higher Subject well-being after Macao’s return no matter on 6 demographic variables, on GWBS overall or on 6 dimensions of GWBS (Satisfaction and interest toward life, worry about health, energy, mind of depression or delight, the control of emotion and behavior, relax or tension). We do think that the changes of residents’ subject well-being should be attributed to political system’s creation, economic took-off, better public security, a higher international status, and so on.
文章引用:苏玲, 陈俊, 严丽君 (2012). 澳门回归十周年居民主观幸福感的变化. 心理学进展, 2(1), 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2012.21001


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