Experimental Research on the Vitro Inactivation of HL60 Cells Based on CdTe and CdSe Quantum Dots
摘要: 近年来,随着光动力疗法基础研究的不断深入,量子点作为潜在的光敏剂对癌细胞的灭活效应引起了人们的极大关注,实验利用羧基乙酸包覆的量子点CdTe和CdSe进行了QDs-PDT体外灭活HL60细胞的实验研究。实验结果表明:CdTe和CdSe的对HL60细胞灭活的最佳光照剂量分别为15 J/cm2和18 J/cm2,最佳作用浓度均为2.0 µmol/L;在最佳作用参数下两者的灭活效率分别为62.7%,83.0%,基于CdSe的QDs-PDT灭活效率优于CdTe。
Abstract: Quantum dots used to destruct the cancer cells through the photocatalytic reaction has caused great attention in recent years. In the paper, thiol-capped CdTe and CdSe QDs were used to destruct the HL60 cells. The results showed that the best light irradiation dose of CdTe and CdSe were 15 J/cm2 and 18 J/cm2. The best concentration of additive QDs were all 2.0 µmol/L. The inactivation efficiency were 62.7% and 83.0% under the best destruction para- meters, respectively. Additionally, the destruction efficiency of CdSe is better than that of CdTe in the optimized condi- tions.
文章引用:贺宇路, 黄康强, 姜飞, 王健, 熊建文. 基于CdTe和CdSe量子点体外PDT灭活白血病 HL60细胞实验研究 [J]. 生物医学, 2012, 2(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/hjbm.2012.21001


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