Determination of the Nature and Copyright Ownership of the Continuous Dynamic Pictures of a Game
摘要: 伴随着游戏行业的不断发展,游戏连续动态画面的定性与著作权归属问题引发了许多争议,一些著作权问题亟待解决。由于著作权具有财产权的属性,因此在实践中,游戏开发商和游戏运营商、第三方直播平台、大型游戏赛事举办方以及网络游戏主播之间就游戏画面相关的著作权问题展开了激烈的博弈,甚至衍生出了很多法律争端。本文试图从游戏连续动态画面的著作权定性出发,并且联系实践,试图厘清游戏连续动态画面的著作权性质及归属问题。
Abstract: With the continuous development of the game industry, the determination of the nature and copyright ownership of the continuous dynamic pictures of a game have aroused many disputes, and some copyright issues need to be resolved urgently. Due to the property nature of copyright, in practice, game developers and game operators, third-party live-streaming platforms, organizers of large-scale game competitions and online game anchors have engaged in a fierce competition over the copyright issues related to the game pictures, and even gave rise to many legal disputes. This article attempts to clarify the nature and ownership of the copyright of the continuous dynamic pictures of a game from the perspective of the determination of the nature of the copyright of the continuous dynamic pictures of a game.
文章引用:施晓波. 游戏连续动态画面的定性与著作权归属[J]. 争议解决, 2022, 8(1): 67-72.


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