Meteorological Symbol and Technology and Method of Signifying Graphics Based on Font Library
摘要: 面向气象信息实况显示对图形化气象符号需求,论述了利用绘图软件(CorelDraw)和字体编辑软件(Font Creator Program)制作气象符号字体库的整个过程;基于气象符号字库的使用,设计了符号对照表,提出了图形符号化的思路;最后利用气象符号字库对ArcGIS样式库进行了扩展,并结合实例,对可视化显示气象信息的程序方法进行了说明。
Abstract: Be geared to the needs of the graphical meteorological symbol in lively showing meteorological information, the text treatises the whole procedure of fabricating meteorological symbol font library with graphics software, CorelDraw, and font editing program, Font Creator Program. Based on applying of font library, the text also designs symbol mapping tables and presents mentality of signifying graphics. Finally, the style libraries of ArcGIS are expanded by the font library, and programmed method for visually displaying meteorological information is illustrated by combining an ex-ample.
文章引用:王锦洲, 冯径, 蒋磊. 基于字库的气象符号及图形符号化技术与方法[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2012, 2(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/csa.2012.21001
