The Effects of Second Language Acquisition on Creative Thinking and Its Neural Mechanisms
摘要: 创造性作为人类的一种高级认知能力对人们的生活发展及科技进步有至关重要的作用,而双语作为一种认知储备机制对人类的认知活动起到重要的作用。当前关于二语习得和创造性思维的关系逐渐被关注,但由于语言和创造性本身的复杂性,关于两者之间关系的本质及其作用机制还不甚清晰。因此,本文从二语习得的角度不同方面对不同类型的创造性思维的研究进行了梳理评述。主要包括:1) 从行为方面的研究来看,二语水平、习得年龄、二语接触量对创造性思维具有一定的影响;2) 从认知研究来看,高水平的双语者有更灵活的联想能力和认知控制,从而进一步提升创造性表现;3) 从神经科学研究来看,与创造性相关的脑区包括了背侧和腹侧通路,以及基于与执行控制过程相关的双侧分布皮质–皮层下网络的有效双语控制模型。未来研究可在网络科学的视角下,系统地揭示二语习得不同方面影响创造性思维过程的认知机制,通过纵向追踪,探究二语习得对创造性思维发展轨迹的影响及其脑机制。
Abstract: Creativity, as an advanced cognitive ability, refers to the ability of an individual to produce novel, unique and valuable ideas or products. Creativity plays an important role in people’s life devel-opment and scientific and technological progress. Bilingualism, as a cognitive reserve mechanism, plays an important role in human cognitive activities. However, due to the complexity of language and creativity, the nature and mechanism of the relationship between second language acquisition and creative thinking are still unclear. Therefore, this paper reviews the research on different types of creative thinking from different aspects of second language acquisition. It mainly includes: 1) From the perspective of behavioral research, second language level, age of acquisition and amount of second language exposure have certain influence on creative thinking; 2) From the perspective of cognitive research, high level bilinguals have more flexible association ability and cognitive control, which further improve creative performance; 3) From the perspective of neuroscience, brain regions associated with creativity include dorsal and ventral pathways, as well as an effective bilingual control model based on a bilaterally distributed cortex-subcortical network associated with executive control processes. Future research can systematically reveal the cognitive mechanism of different aspects of second language acquisition influencing creative thinking process from the perspective of network science, and explore the influence of second language acquisition on the development trajectory of creative thinking and its brain mechanism through longitudinal tracking.
文章引用:李婷 (2022). 二语习得对创造性思维的影响及神经机制. 心理学进展, 12(7), 2385-2394. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2022.127284


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